Category Archives: The Year of 2017

A trip down memory lane…

So she’s now the lucky number 7! The one who made me a mother. I couldn’t help but take a moment to lookView full post »

Christmas 2017

Emma had a change of tone this holiday season. When asked what she wanted for Christmas she only had 3 small requestsView full post »

Emma’s 7th Art Party!

One thing I’m thankful for is the amount of pictures I’ve taken over the years. I’ve gotten a littleView full post »

Duck Days – Take III

In an effort to keep a tradition alive we spent one of the last weeks of summer with our original crew down in Duck,View full post »

Blake first trip to Botanical Gardens!

Impromptu Birthday celebrations took us to splash around at Botanical Gardens! She had a blast people watching andView full post »

Blake is O-fish-ally TWO years old!

Time slow down!! 2 years later and this sweet little firecracker is celebrating a new birthday. She’s full ofView full post »

The Exumas!

The pending months to turning 40 years old has been a good reminder to us that we need to travel more and make memoriesView full post »